

Poll: Has buy-to-let affordability improved since higher product fees have been introduced?

Anna Sagar
Written By:
February 23, 2023
February 23, 2023

Buy-to-let product fees of five per cent or higher have become more common in the market in recent months, with brokers split as to whether this helps or hinders customers.

Product fees for buy-to-let deals had been around two to five per cent but have increased in recent months since instability from the mini Budget and economic volatility has impacted rates and interest coverage ratios available for buy-to-let landlords.

Some have said that such high fees are profiteering from lenders, whereas others say that it is a way to offer landlords the higher loan amounts they need and gives them more product choice.

Mortgage Solutions wants to know if higher buy-to-let fees has improved affordability for your landlord clients.

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