

West Midlands landlords fined £30,000 over ‘unsafe’ property with no water or heating

John Fitzsimons
Written By:
February 14, 2023
February 14, 2023

Two landlords who co-owned a property in Coventry have been issued with a fine worth tens of thousands of pounds over safety failings.

The property was found to have deteriorated significantly over a number of years by inspectors from Coventry City Council, who brought the case to court.

The inspectors found the property was lacking heating and hot water, while safety checks had not been carried out. It was discovered that the tenant was living in one room in the ground floor because the floors of the first floor were unsafe, with the kitchen and bathroom also in a significant state of disrepair. 

The property was no longer deemed fit for habitation, so the landlords were compelled to evict the tenant and carry out extensive improvement works.

Birmingham Magistrates’ Court found that the landlords had failed to comply with a prohibition order issued by the council, which prevented the whole of the property being used for any purpose. As a result, the landlords were fined £20,000, while they were also ordered to pay £10,000 in costs, which were awarded to the council.

Councillor David Walsh, cabinet member for housing and communities at Coventry City Council, said: “This is important work by the Council ’s housing enforcement team and environmental officers. We need to raise housing standards in the city and private landlords who fail to provide basic standards to tenants will be prosecuted.”


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