EPC support for landlords to be discussed at TSLE
Ways to support landlords prepare for incoming energy performance certificate (EPC) requirements and the potential of green mortgages will be debated at The Specialist Lending Event (TSLE) in February.
This comes after research from Shawbrook this week revealed 15 per cent of landlords were unaware of legislative changes which require them to bring their new rental properties up to an A-C EPC rating by 2025.
Existing properties will have until 2028 to comply with regulations.
The series of conferences will take place between 2-10 February at Solihull, Esher, York and Liverpool.
Jane Simpson (pictured), managing director at TBMC and Elisa Coole, managing director at Keystone Property Finance will present the topic to explore how lenders are innovating and supporting landlords with green initiatives as well as the complexities advisers face.
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